Handbook on Governmentality


Handbook on Governmentality

9781839108655 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by William Walters, Carleton University, Canada and Martina Tazzioli, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Publication Date: 2023 ISBN: 978 1 83910 865 5 Extent: 446 pp
The Handbook on Governmentality discusses the development of an interdisciplinary field of research, focusing on Michel Foucault’s post-foundationalist concept of governmentality and the ways it has been used to write genealogies of modern states, the governance of societal problems and the governance of the self.

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The Handbook on Governmentality discusses the development of an interdisciplinary field of research, focusing on Michel Foucault’s post-foundationalist concept of governmentality and the ways it has been used to write genealogies of modern states, the governance of societal problems and the governance of the self.

Bringing together an international group of contributors, the Handbook examines major developments in debates on governmentality, as well as encouraging further research in areas such as climate change, decolonial politics, logistics, and populism. Chapters explore how governmentality reshapes policy analysis as political practice, the relationship between Foucault’s ideas of government and postcolonial experiences, and how governmentality can illuminate discourse on the green economy and biopolitics. Analysing how contemporary socio-political issues including feminist politics, migration, and racialized medicine are interwoven with the concept of governmentality, this Handbook sheds light on the modern-day uses of Foucault’s work.

Providing a comprehensive overview of research on governmentality, this Handbook will be essential reading for students and scholars of development studies, geopolitics, political economy, organizational studies, political geography, postcolonial theory, and public policy. It will also be a key resource for policy makers in the field looking for a deeper theoretical understanding of the topic.

Critical Acclaim
‘Nearly forty years after his death, governmentality remains Michel Foucault’s most elusive and productive theoretical concept; especially in generating interdisciplinary empirical scholarship. Now with its revelatory introductory chapter and powerhouse collection of leading contemporary scholars, Walters and Tazzioli''s Handbook on Governmentality has demystified the topic and opened governmentality to a new generation of critical researchers across the social sciences and humanities.’
– Jonathan Simon, University of California, Berkeley, US

‘Governmentality has become a ubiquitous term in social and political theory. Stemming from Foucault, the concept has been stretched and even squeezed over the last years. This impressive Handbook lays the basis for a new season in governmentality studies, exploring new geographical and conceptual frontiers. An amazing achievement!’
– Sandro Mezzadra, University of Bologna, Italy
Contributors: Claudia Aradau, Carol Bacchi, Wendy Brown, Graham Burchell, Partha Chatterjee, Sahil Jai Dutta, Stuart Elden, Ben Golder, Colin Gordon, Jef Huysmans, Jonathan Xavier Inda, Hans-Martin Jaeger, Samuel Knafo, Susanne Krasmann, Clara Lecadet, Emanuele Leonardi, Daniele Lorenzini, Ian Alexander Lovering, Brett Neilson, Luigi Pellizzoni, Cristina Rojas, Nikolas Rose, Srila Roy, Ranabir Samaddar, Maurice Stierl, Martina Tazzioli, Miriam Ticktin, William Walters, Richard Weiskopf, Chenchen Zhang

Introduction to the Handbook on governmentality 1
William Walters and Martina Tazzioli

1 Foucault, governmentality, and the techniques of the self 22
Daniele Lorenzini
2 The yoke of law and the lustre of glory: Foucault and Dumézil
on sovereignty 38
Stuart Elden
3 Governmentalizing ‘policy studies’ 54
Carol Bacchi
4 Governmentality and international relations: critiques,
challenges, genealogies 72
Hans-Martin Jaeger
5 Towards a postcolonial theory of crisis, neoliberal
government, and biopolitics from below 94
Ranabir Samaddar

6 Governmentality: a conversation with Wendy Brown, Partha
Chatterjee and Nikolas Rose 113
Wendy Brown, Partha Chatterjee, Nikolas Rose, Martina Tazzioli
and William Walters
7 Governmentality and beyond: an interview with Colin Gordon 136
Colin Gordon, Martina Tazzioli and William Walters
8 Governmentality in translation: an interview with Graham Burchell 156
Graham Burchell, Martina Tazzioli and William Walters

9 The neoliberal welfare state 174
Ian Alexander Lovering, Sahil Jai Dutta and Samuel Knafo
10 Governmentality and security: governing life-in-motion 187
Jef Huysmans
11 Secrecy beyond the state: governmentality, security and truth effects 208
Susanne Krasmann
12 Governmentality and the subject of rights 221
Ben Golder
13 Algorithmic governmentality: questions of method 235
Claudia Aradau
14 Logistical power 251
Brett Neilson
15 Governmentality and political ecology 266
Emanuele Leonardi and Luigi Pellizzoni

16 Diminishing life: racialized medicine, neoliberalism, and
precarity in the United States 287
Jonathan Xavier Inda
17 French humanitarianism: governmentality and its limits 304
Miriam Ticktin
18 EUrope’s border ensemble and the disorder of migrant multiplicities 320
Maurice Stierl
19 Hukou and suzhi as technologies of governing citizenship and
migration in China 335
Chenchen Zhang

20 Feminist politics and neoliberal governmentality: from
co-option to counter-conduct 353
Srila Roy
21 The practice of parrhēsia and the transformation of managerial
governmentality 369
Richard Weiskopf
22 Countering governmentality: enacting diverging territorialities
by former enslaved people in Cauca, Colombia (1849–1886) 389
Cristina Rojas
23 Insurgent politics: refugees, sans-papiers and deportees under
asylum and migration laws 405
Clara Lecadet

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