Handbook of Research on Family Business, Second Edition


Handbook of Research on Family Business, Second Edition

2nd edition

9781848443228 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Kosmas X. Smyrnios, formerly Professor of Family Business Entrepreneurship, School of Management, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, Panikkos Zata Poutziouris, Professor in Entrepreneurship and Family Business, Fellow, Circular Economy Centre, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, UK and Sanjay Goel, Professor and Burwell Chair of Entrepreneurship, Middleton School of Entrepreneurship and Management, University of North Dakota, US
Publication Date: 2013 ISBN: 978 1 84844 322 8 Extent: 800 pp
During the previous decade, the multi-disciplinary field of family business has advanced significantly in terms of advances in theory, development of sophisticated empirical instruments, systematic measurement of family business activity, use of alternative research methodologies and deployment of robust tools of analysis. This second edition of the Handbook of Research on Family Business presents important research and conceptual developments across a broad range of topics. The contributors – notable researchers in the field – explore the frontiers of knowledge in family business entrepreneurship and stimulate critical thinking, enriching the repository of theoretical frameworks and methodologies.

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During the previous decade, the multi-disciplinary field of family business has advanced significantly in terms of advances in theory, development of sophisticated empirical instruments, systematic measurement of family business activity, use of alternative research methodologies and deployment of robust tools of analysis. This second edition of the Handbook of Research on Family Business presents important research and conceptual developments across a broad range of topics. The contributors – notable researchers in the field – explore the frontiers of knowledge in family business entrepreneurship and stimulate critical thinking, enriching the repository of theoretical frameworks and methodologies.

The Handbook takes a systematic and rigorous approach by providing in-depth insights into the dynamics of family business, its context and the significant role of stakeholders. Ultimately, this scholarly compendium of extant family business papers is an invaluable resource for researchers, educators, family business consultants, family business owner-managers and students.
Critical Acclaim
‘This is a very business-like book in its approach. It has an impressive global reach in its authorship, focal areas and use of evidence; it hits all the major practical challenges of family firms in a spirit that is fresh and current; and it deals with the cutting-edge themes and issues that are uppermost in the minds of owners, executives, advisors and researchers in the field.’
– Nigel Nicholson, London Business School, UK, author, Managing the Human Animal, Family Wars and The ‘I’ of Leadership
Contributors: D. Arijs, B. Arosa, P. Bachiller, S.B. Mahmoud-Jouini, A. Bloch, A. Blombäck, I.C. Botero, L. Cabeza-García, D. Caspersz, S. Chang, J.J. Chrisman, G. Corbetta, L.-P. Dana, S.M. Danes, A. Dawson, B.J. Debicki, F. di Donato, E.L. Giménez, M.-C. Giorgino, L. Gnan, S. Goel, S. Gómez-Ansón, J.L.C. González, T. Goto, V. Gupta, E. Hadjielias, E. Hamilton, C. Howorth, T. Ikäheimonen, M. Ikävalko, T. Iturralde, J. Kansikas, F.W. Kellermanns, A. Kirmanen, A. Koeberle-Schmid, R. Labaki, I. Le Breton-Miller, J. Lee, N.M. Levenburg, C.M. Lindow, S.R. Litchfield, A. Maseda, C.F. Matherne III, N. Michael-Tsabari, S. Mignon, D. Miller, A. Minichilli, F.M. Mizumoto, D. Montemerlo, M. Nordqvist, J.A. Novo, S. Paternostro, A. Pena-López, T. Pihkala, D. Pittino, P.Z. Poutziouris, F. Negreira del Río, J. Negreira del Río, M. Sacristán-Navarro, M.S. Macchione Saes, J.M. Sánchez-Santos, P. Sharma, K.X. Smyrnios, L. Songini, K. Stafford, E. Su, R. Tiscini, G. Valentini, A.G. Vietes, F. Visintin, R.K. Zachary, V. Zheng

Introduction: Trends and Developments in Family Business Research
Kosmas X. Smyrnios, Panikkos Z. Poutziouris and Sanjay Goel

1. Family Business Research in the New Millennium: An Assessment of Individual and Institutional Productivity, 2001–2009
Curtis F. Matherne III, Bart J. Debicki, Franz W. Kellermanns and James J. Chrisman

2. Filling the Institutional Void: The Social Behavior and Performance of Family versus Non-Family Technology Firms in Emerging Markets
Danny Miller, Jangwoo Lee, Sooduck Chang and Isabelle Le Breton-Miller

3. The Effects of Family Involvement and Corporate Governance Practices on Earnings Quality of Listed Companies
Riccardo Tiscini and Francesca di Donato

4. Analysis of Social Performance and Board of Directors in Family Firms: Evidence from Quoted Italian Companies
Patricia Bachiller, Maria-Cleofe Giorgino and Sergio Paternostro

5. Board of Directors and Generational Effect in Spanish Non-listed Family Firms
Blanca Arosa, Txomin Iturralde and Amaia Maseda

6. Family Governance Bodies: A Conceptual Typology
Alexander Koeberle-Schmid and Donella Caspersz

7. Using the Configuration Approach to Understand the Reasons for and Consequences of Varied Family Involvement in Business
Pramodita Sharma and Mattias Nordqvist

8. Other Large Shareholders in Family Firms: Do they Monitor?
María Sacristán-Navarro, Silvia Gómez-Ansón and Laura Cabeza-García

9. The Evolution of the Family Business Board: A Case Study
Tuuli Ikäheimonen, Timo Pihkala and Markku Ikävalko

10. The Singularities of Social Capital in Family Business: An Overview
Atilano Pena-López, José Manuel Sánchez-Santos and José Antonio Novo

11. Strategy in Family Businesses: The Analysis of Human Capital and Social Capital
Fabio Matuoka Mizumoto and Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes

12. Towards a Comprehensive Model of Sustainable Family Firm Performance
Sihem Ben Mahmoud-Jouini, Alain Bloch and Sophie Mignon

13. Network Capital and the Rise of Chinese Banks in Hong Kong: A Case Study on the Bank of East Asia Limited
Victor Zheng

14. The Determinants of Women’s Involvement in Top Management Teams: Opportunities or Obstacles for Family-Controlled Firms?
Daniela Montemerlo, Alessandro Minichilli and Guido Corbetta

15. Women and the Glass Ceiling: The Role of Professionalization in Family SMEs
Luca Gnan and Lucrezia Songini

16. Women in Family Business: Three Generations of Research
Vipin Gupta and Nancy M. Levenburg

17. Exploring Human Resource Management in Family Firms: A Summary of What We Know and Ideas for Future Development
Isabel C. Botero and Shanan R. Litchfield

18. The Adoption of High-Performance Work Systems in Family versus Non-Family SMEs: The Moderating Effect of Organizational Size
Daniel Pittino and Francesca Visintin

19. Measuring and Comparing Leadership Styles of Male and Female Chief Executive Officers in Businesses with a Varying Family Intensity
Diane Arijs

20. Entrepreneurial Learning in the Family Management Group: A Social Organizational Learning Perspective
Elias Hadjielias, Eleanor Hamilton and Carole Howorth

21. Strategy Formulation in Family Businesses: A Review and Research Agenda
Corinna M. Lindow

22. The Impact of Knowledge Sharing on the Growth of Family Businesses in China: The Role of Chinese Culture
Emma Su

23. Extensions of the Sustainable Family Business Theory: Operationalization and Application
Ramona Kay Zachary, Sharon M. Danes and Kathryn Stafford

24. Secrets of Family Business Longevity in Japan from the Social Capital Perspective
Toshio Goto

25. The Push–Pull of Indigenous Sámi Family Reindeer Herding Enterprises: A Metaphor for Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Léo-Paul Dana and Kosmas X. Smyrnios

26. Small Family Business Contributions to the Economy: An Enterprise Population Level Study
Antti Kirmanen and Juha Kansikas

27. The Microeconomics of Family Business
Eduardo L. Giménez and José Antonio Novo

28. Reputational Capital in Family Firms: Understanding Uniqueness from the Stakeholder Point of View
Anna Blombäck and Isabel C. Botero

29. A Study of Innovation Activities and the Role Played by Ownership Structure in Spanish Industrial Companies
Álvaro Gómez Vieites, Francisco Negreira del Río, Jesús Negreira del Río and José Luis Calvo González

30. Acquisition and Diversification Behaviour in Large Family Firms
Alexandra Dawson and Giovanni Valentini

31. Emotional Dimensions within the Family Business: Towards a Conceptualization
Rania Labaki, Nava Michael-Tsabari and Ramona Kay Zachary

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