Grocery E-Commerce


Grocery E-Commerce

Consumer Behaviour and Business Strategies

9781845422981 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Niels Kornum, Associate Professor and Mogens Bjerre, Associate Professor, Centre for Retail Studies, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Publication Date: 2005 ISBN: 978 1 84542 298 1 Extent: 336 pp
This book attempts to shed light on why it is so difficult to develop and maintain successful businesses in the grocery e-commerce arena. Within the last five years, grocery e-commerce has experienced both consistent successes such as and irrevocable failures such as Niels Kornum and Mogens Bjerre bring key researchers together to investigate the factors contributing to the success of grocery e-commerce, particularly in countries that had the earliest and most extensive experiences in this field: the USA, the UK and Scandinavia.

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This book attempts to shed light on why it is so difficult to develop and maintain successful businesses in the grocery e-commerce arena. Within the last five years, grocery e-commerce has experienced both consistent successes such as and irrevocable failures such as Niels Kornum and Mogens Bjerre bring key researchers together to investigate the factors contributing to the success of grocery e-commerce, particularly in countries that had the earliest and most extensive experiences in this field: the USA, the UK and Scandinavia.

The authors argue that grocery e-commerce is especially difficult to implement because it differs from other types of consumer sales in numerous aspects including low profit margins, low value density of products and high frequency purchases. As well as examining these unique characteristics, the authors present research on consumer behaviour, cross country comparisons and new empirical evidence in order to address the long-term prospects for the survival of grocery e-commerce. Recommendations as to how managers should respond to its challenges are also made.

Academics, students and researchers focusing on marketing, consumer behaviour, logistics, e-commerce and business strategy will find this book to be a fascinating read.
Contributors: S.C. Beckmann, M. Bjerre, K.K. Boyer, P.I. Furseth, T. Hansen, E. Karlsson, N. Kornum, H. Kotzab, B. Nordén, A.M. Prud’homme, J. Reynolds, C. Sestoft, S.P. Singh, K. Tanskanen, C. Teller, M. Vangkilde, M. Wilson-Jeanselme, H. Yrjölä
Contents: Preface 1. Grocery E-Commerce – Consumer Behaviour and Business Strategies: An Introduction 2. Competing for the Online Grocery Customer: The UK Experience 3. To Pay or Not to Pay, That is the Question. Conceptual Model and Empirical Results on Consumers’ View on Home Delivery 4. Household Desires on Home Delivery: An Empirical Study on Attended Reception of Convenience Goods 5. A Comparison of In-Store vs. Online Grocery Customers 6. Understanding Consumer Adoption of Online Grocery Shopping: Results from Denmark and Sweden 7. Behind the Values: Understanding Consumer Behaviour and E-Grocery Business from a Dialectic Culture Perspective 8. Effective E-Grocery Logistics 9. Cost Drivers and Profitability of DC Based Grocery Home Delivery Systems 10. A Reality Check on E-Grocery Delivery Options – The Swedish Case 11. Packaging Trends for E-Commerce Shipments in the United States: A Focus on Perishables! 12. First-Movers in the E-Grocery Sector – A Framework for Analysis 13. Innovative Opportunities and Strategies for Online Transactions 14. The Future of Grocery E-Commerce – Will Business be Able to Meet Customers’ Needs and How? Index
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