Elgar Encyclopedia of Queer Studies


Elgar Encyclopedia of Queer Studies

9781803922096 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Rob Cover, Professor and Co-director, Digital Ethnography Research Centre, RMIT University and Christy E. Newman, Professor, Centre for Social Research in Health, Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Publication Date: March 2025 ISBN: 978 1 80392 209 6 Extent: c 464 pp

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Critical Acclaim
Critical Acclaim
‘This is an outstanding collection of new work, which introduces the curious reader to vibrant snapshots of the rich and innovative research being pioneered within queer studies today. Its view of the field is comprehensive and the Encyclopedia is likely to be a rich source for students and activists to draw upon for years to come. It would also make a brilliant gift!’
– Sally R. Munt, University of Sussex, UK
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