Decolonising Development in Education


Decolonising Development in Education

Rethinking, Reframing and Reimagining Possibilities

9781035337781 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Moira V. Faul, Senior Lecturer, Geneva Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and Director of Research and Executive Director, NORRAG, Switzerland
Publication Date: February 2025 ISBN: 978 1 03533 778 1 Extent: c 256 pp
In this thought-provoking book, expert contributors challenge dominant global development narratives, undertaking an academic critique of contemporary coloniality in education and providing constructive ways towards more equal and sustainable futures.

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In this thought-provoking book, expert contributors challenge dominant global development and education narratives through an academic critique of contemporary coloniality in education, and move beyond critique to provide constructive ways forward to challenge and reinvent relations of domination and empower marginalised communities.

Chapter authors explore education in the context of the climate crisis, education data, material and epistemic justice, and the use of so-called ‘good sense’ in international education development. Moving beyond an assessment of the educational landscape, Decolonising Development in Education advocates for regenerative, restorative, and reparative action, encouraging readers to reimagine education and development pathways which lead to more equal and sustainable futures. Ultimately, the book argues that continuing to develop decolonial dialogue and practice enables education to live up to its potential as a catalyst for societal transformation and for the sustainability of our planet.

Decolonising Development in Education is a key resource for academics, researchers and students in education policy, comparative and international education, development studies and international relations. It presents key knowledge at the intersection between research, analysis, policy and practice, making it invaluable to international education policymakers and professionals.
Critical Acclaim
‘This fine book of reflections on the decolonising of education by Moira Faul and her colleagues illuminates the continuing role of education in sustaining colonial regimes of truth. But unlike many critiques, we can also find in these pages ways to break the colonial chains both within ourselves and within society. Fascinating collection.’
– Budd Hall, University of Victoria, Canada
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