Classics in Management Thought


Classics in Management Thought

9781858989112 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Cary Cooper, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK
Publication Date: 2000 ISBN: 978 1 85898 911 2 Extent: 1,432 pp
Classics in Management Thought presents by theme an authoritative selection of the most important articles in management published during the last fifty years. Under the general editorship of Cary Cooper, an international panel of leading management thinkers have identified those published articles and papers which in their view provide the essential foundations of modern management thought. These articles and papers were originally published in a wide range of journals and books many of which will not be available in scholarly libraries.

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Classics in Management Thought presents by theme an authoritative selection of the most important articles in management published during the last fifty years. Under the general editorship of Cary Cooper, an international panel of leading management thinkers have identified those published articles and papers which in their view provide the essential foundations of modern management thought. These articles and papers were originally published in a wide range of journals and books many of which will not be available in scholarly libraries.

Classics in Management Thought is an essential reference to the relatively few path-breaking articles that have shaped management science in key areas such as decision making, leadership, motivation and all aspects of organizational behaviour. It will be an essential companion for both scholars and practitioners in management.
Critical Acclaim
‘. . . [the papers] will be a remarkable supplement to standard texts on general management. The book is likely to remain central to teaching and research and will certainly enrich the discipline of management . . . No doubt, Cary L. Cooper and the publishers, Edward Elgar, have excellently performed the job of undertaking the publication of the classics in management thought and the Who’s Who which are complementary to each other. Every management and social sciences library, whether belonging to institutions or individuals, must possess these publications as they are extremely useful references for teaching and research in management.’
– Debi S. Saini, Management & Change

‘Cary L. Cooper has done a masterful job of compiling a wonderful collection of classics. Each article is a must read for anyone interested in the development of management thought. A masterful, eclectic set of classic articles that provide a great overview of the field of management thinking. I am honored to have my articles included in this book.’
– Ed Lawler II, University of Southern California, US
67 articles, dating from 1943 to 1996
Contributors include: C. Argyris, P. Drucker, F. Fiedler, E. Lawler II, J. March, B. Ouchi, D. Pugh, H. Simon, W. Starbuck, V. Vroom

Volume I:

Acknowledgements • Introduction

Part I: Decision Making
1. Nils Brunsson (1982), ‘The Irrationality of Action and Action Rationality: Decisions, Ideologies and Organizational Actions’
2. Norman R.F. Maier (1967), ‘Assets and Liabilities in Group Problem Solving: The Need for an Integrative Function’
3. Michael D. Cohen, James G. March and Johan P. Olsen (1972), ‘A Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice’
4. William G. Ouchi and Jerry B. Johnson (1978), ‘Types of Organizational Control and their Relationship to Emotional Well Being’
5. Gerald R. Salancik and Jeffrey Pfeffer (1978), ‘A Social Information Processing Approach to Job Attitudes and Task Design’
6. Victor H. Vroom (1973), ‘A New Look at Managerial Decision Making’
7. Herbert A. Simon (1987), ‘Making Management Decisions: The Role of Intuition and Emotion’
Part II: General Management Theory
8. Chris Argyris (1977), ‘Double Loop Learning in Organizations’
9. Chris Argyris (1988), ‘Crafting a Theory of Practice: The Case of Organizational Paradoxes’
10. Chris Argyris (1996), ‘Actionable Knowledge: Design Causality in the Service of Consequential Theory’
11. Douglas M. McGregor (1964), ‘The Human Side of Enterprise’
12. James G. March (1964), ‘Business Decision Making’
13. Peter F. Drucker (1958), ‘Business Objectives and Survival Needs: Notes on a Discipline of Business Enterprise’
14. Edgar H. Schein (1968), ‘Organizational Socialization and the Profession of Management’
15. F.W. Taylor (1971), ‘Scientific Management’
16. Rensis Likert (1961), ‘An Integrating Principle and an Overview’
Part III: Leadership
17. Robert A. Dahl (1957), ‘The Concept of Power’
18. Fred E. Fiedler (1993), ‘The Leadership Situation and the Black Box in Contingency Theories’
19. Fred E. Fiedler (1995), ‘Cognitive Resources and Leadership Performance’
20. Robert J. House (1971), ‘A Path Goal Theory of Leader Effectiveness’
21. Robert L. Kahn and Daniel Katz (1953/1960), ‘Leadership Practices in Relation to Productivity and Morale’
Part IV: Motivation
22. Edward E. Lawler, III with Lyman W. Porter (1967), ‘The Effect of Performance on Job Satisfaction’
23. Edward E. Lawler, III (1971), ‘Using Pay to Motivate Job Performance’
24. Lyman W. Porter, Edward E. Lawler III and J. Richard Hackman (1975), ‘Social Influences on Work Effectiveness’
25. A.H. Maslow (1943), ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’
26. Steven Kerr (1975), ‘On the Folly of Rewarding A, While Hoping for B’
Part V: Organizational Behaviour
27. Barry M. Staw, Lance E. Sandelands and Jane E. Dutton (1981), ‘Threat-Rigidity Effects in Organizational Behavior: A Multilevel Analysis’
28. Barry M. Staw (1988), ‘Rationality and Justification in Organizational Life’
Part VI: Organizational Commitment
29. Howard S. Becker (1960), ‘Notes on the Concept of Commitment’
30. Barry M. Staw (1976), ‘Knee-Deep in the Big Muddy: A Study of Escalating Commitment to a Chosen Course of Action’
Part VII: Organizational Change
31. Lester Coch and John R.P. French, Jr. (1948), ‘Overcoming Resistance to Change’
32. Martin Landau (1973), ‘On the Concept of a Self-Correcting Organization’
33. Danny Miller (1982), ‘Evolution and Revolution: A Quantum View of Structural Change in Organizations’
Name Index

Volume II:


Part I: Organizational Culture
1. F.E. Emery and E.L. Trist (1965), ‘The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments’
2. William G. Ouchi (1980), ‘Markets, Bureaucracies, and Clans’
3. Martha S. Feldman and James G. March (1981), ‘Information in Organizations as Signal and Symbol’
4. Stephen R. Barley (1983), ‘Semiotics and the Study of Occupational and Organizational Cultures’
5. Kathleen L. Gregory (1983), ‘Native-View Paradigms: Multiple Cultures and Culture Conflicts in Organizations’
6. Linda Smircich (1983), ‘Concepts of Culture and Organizational Analysis’
7. Harrison M. Trice and Janice M. Beyer (1985), ‘Studying Organizational Cultures Through Rites and Ceremonials’
Part II: Organizational Strategy
8. John Child (1972), ‘Organizational Structure, Environment and Performance: The Role of Strategic Choice’
9. D.J. Hickson, C.R. Hinings, C.A. Lee, R.E. Schneck and J.M. Pennings (1971), ‘A Strategic Contingencies’ Theory of Intraorganizational Power’
10. Henry Mintzberg and James A. Walters (1990), ‘Of Strategies, Deliberate and Emergent’
Part III: Organizational Stress
11. Thomas G. Cummings and Cary L. Cooper (1979), ‘A Cybernetic Framework for Studying Occupational Stress’
12. Robert A. Karasek, Jr. (1979), ‘Job Demands, Job Decision Latitude, and Mental Strain: Implications for Job Redesign’
Part IV: Organizational Structure
13. Roger I. Hall (1976), ‘A System Pathology of an Organization: The Rise and Fall of the Old Saturday Evening Post’
14. John W. Meyer and Brian Rowan (1977), ‘Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony’
15. Louis R. Pondy and Ian I. Mitroff (1979), ‘Beyond Open System Models of Organization’
16. D.S. Pugh, D.J. Hickson, C.R. Hinings, K.M. Macdonald, C. Turner and T. Lupton (1963), ‘A Conceptual Scheme for Organizational Analysis’
17. D.S. Pugh, D.J. Hickson, C.R. Hinings and C. Turner (1968), ‘Dimensions of Organization Structure’
18. D.S. Pugh, D.J. Hickson, C.R. Hinings and C. Turner (1969), ‘The Context of Organization Structures’
19. D.S. Pugh, D.J. Hickson and C.R. Hinings (1969), ‘An Empirical Taxonomy of Structures of Work Organizations’
20. William H. Starbuck (1981), ‘A Trip to View the Elephants and Rattlesnakes in the Garden of Aston’
Part V: Organizational Theory
21. W. Graham Astley and Andrew H. Van de Ven (1983), ‘Central Perspectives and Debates in Organization Theory’
22. Peter Bachrach and Morton S. Baratz (1962), ‘Two Faces of Power’
23. J. Kenneth Benson (1977), ‘Organizations: A Dialectical View’
24. Richard L. Daft and Karl E. Weick (1984), ‘Toward a Model of Organizations as Interpretation Systems’
25. Peter F. Drucker (1988), ‘The Coming of the New Organization’
26. Jerald Hage (1965), ‘An Axiomatic Theory of Organizations’
27. Gareth Morgan (1980), ‘Paradigms, Metaphors, and Puzzle Solving in Organizational Theory’
28. James D. Thompson and Arthur Tuden (1959), ‘Strategies, Structures, and Processes of Organizational Design’
Part VI: Organizational Trust
29. Eugene J. Webb (1996), ‘Trust and Crisis’
30. Debra Meyerson, Karl E. Weick and Roderick M. Kramer (1996), ‘Swift Trust and Temporary Groups’
Part VII: Person Organization Fit
31. Chris Argyris (1957), ‘The Individual and Organization: Some Problems of Mutual Adjustment’
32. Jeffrey R. Edwards and Cary L. Cooper (1990), ‘The Person-Environment Fit Approach to Stress: Recurring Problems and Some Suggested Solutions’
33. Fred E. Fiedler (1965), ‘Engineer the Job to Fit the Manager’
Part VIII: Socio-Tech System
34. E.L. Trist and K.W. Bamforth (1955), ‘Some Social and Psychological Consequences of the Longwall Method of Coal-Getting: An Examination of the Psychological Situation and Defences of a Work Group in Relation to the Social Structure of the Work System’
Name Index

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