Case Studies in Work, Employment and Human Resource Management


Case Studies in Work, Employment and Human Resource Management

9781788975582 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Tony Dundon, Professor of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management, University of Limerick, Ireland and the Work and Equalities Institute, University of Manchester, UK and Adrian Wilkinson, Professor of Human Resource Management, Department of Employment Relations and Human Resources, Griffith Business School, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia and Visiting Professor, University of Sheffield, UK
Publication Date: 2020 ISBN: 978 1 78897 558 2 Extent: 320 pp
This comprehensive book offers a fascinating set of over 40 evidence-based case studies derived from international research on work, employment and human resource management (HRM).

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This comprehensive book offers a fascinating set of over 40 evidence-based case studies derived from international research on work, employment and human resource management (HRM). Written in an accessible style, this book comprises contributions from leading experts in the field, covering contemporary applications of complex issues related to the future of work, employment regulations, leadership cultures and human resource strategy.
Key features include:
·  Research-based case studies for HRM, employment relations and leadership teaching purposes

·  An online companion for tutors featuring points for discussion and guided assessments for students

·  Critical questions to stimulate classroom conversation.
Providing important insights into real-world scenarios, this book is a useful supplement to any business and management class focusing on HRM, employment relations and leadership.
Critical Acclaim
‘This superb collection of research-based cases illuminates cutting-edge and contemporary themes in work, employment and organisational studies within and beyond the bounds of organisations. In a context of unprecedented challenge and change to traditional employment relationships the cases provide an invaluable multi-perspective resource for educators and learners seeking to come to terms with emergent and established employment issues.’
– Aoife McDermott, University of Cardiff, UK

‘This book, by two of the world’s leading HR professors, is a must-read by HR professionals, students and academics because these case studies show the impact of HR in the world of work and employment. The individual chapters are written by distinguished senior HR academics to highlight the role that HR plays in the modern workplace.’
– Sir Cary Cooper, CBE, University of Manchester, UK

‘This is a timely collection of critically-oriented and research-based cases, written by an impressive array of scholars from across the globe. Covering a plethora of themes and issues, locations, industry sectors and occupations, it provides an invaluable set of resources for teaching in human resources and employment relations subjects.’
– Bill Harley, University of Melbourne, Australia
Contributors: A. Athelstan-Price, C. Atkinson, W. Been, C. Bischoff, P. Boselie, J. Brooks, G. Caillard, J. Chan, H. Cook, F.L. Cooke, N. Cullinane, R. Deakin, W. Despotovic, T. Dobbins, J. Donaghey, R. Donnelly, T. Dundon, R. Fells, R.B. Gould, I. Grugulis, P. Gunnigle, K. Hardy, B. Harney, G. Harvey, E. Hickland, H. Hoel, S.A. Hurrell, J. Jenkins, M. Johnson, S. Johnstone, S. Jooss, P.J. Jordan, A. Kellner, L. Kemp, E. Knies, A. Kynighou, D.H. Langerud, J. Lavelle, P. Leisink, M. Martinez Lucio, G. Mazzoni, L. McCann, A. McDonnell, S. Monaghan, P.K. Mowbray, C. Murphy, S. Mustchin, R. O’Donnell, W. O’Donohue, M. O’Sullivan, N. Payton, S. Procter, P. Prowse, A. Rafferty, S. Ressia, R. Robinson, F. Rocha, A. Roe, L. Ryan, T.F.H. Said, F.R. Sánchez, D. Scholarios, H. Scullion, V. Telljohann, A.R. Timming, T. Turnbow, P. Turnbull, M. Walker, C. Warhurst, M. Whittall, S. Wiblen, S. Wild, A. Wilkinson, J. Winterton, J. Wolfram Cox, G. Wood, C. Woodhams, S. Wright, R. Zeffane

1 Work, employment and human resource management: Case study applications 1
Tony Dundon and Adrian Wilkinson

2 Fishing for diversity in legal talent pools: Recruiting early talent at Pinsent Masons 7
Dora Scholarios and Scott A. Hurrell
3 Rethinking the selection process in Saltire Brokers 14
Scott A. Hurrell, Giuliana Mazzoni and Dora Scholarios
4 Defending wellbeing at work: A case study on autism 20
Alan Roe and Alexandra Athelstan-Price
5 Flexibility in recession and recovery 25
Stewart Johnstone and Stephen Procter

6 Determinants of human resource management strategy in a franchise 32
Ashlea Kellner
7 Contribution based pay in local government 39
Mathew Johnson
8 A high performance work system in a multi-stakeholder context 45
Eva Knies, Peter Leisink and Paul Boselie
9 Performance management: Rewarding for performance at Sprooker Inc. 52
Ryan B. Gould and Wayne O’Donohue
10 Gender pay gaps at Southside University Hospital Trust 59
Carol Woodhams, Sheila Wild and Carol Atkinson
11 The campaign for a ‘real Living Wage’ 67
Peter Prowse, Tony Dobbins and Ray Fells

12 Employee voice and transnational regulation: Double-breasting at BritCo 76
Niall Cullinane, Tony Dundon, Jimmy Donaghey, Eugene Hickland and Tony Dobbins
13 Is Ryanair the Southwest Airlines of Europe? 80
Geraint Harvey and Peter Turnbull
14 Uber and the problem of regulatory arbitrage 90
Michael Walker
15 Public sector employee engagement initiatives and employee voice results 95
Russell Robinson
16 Resistance, mischief and misbehavior @ The Jad-Gin Co. (JGC) 100
Caroline Murphy, Lorraine Ryan and Tony Dundon
17 The divided workforce: Zero hours work at Sports Direct 105
Michelle O’Sullivan

18 Learning from doing and telling at work 112
James Brooks, Irena Grugulis and Hugh Cook
19 For some or all? Debating the value of inclusive and exclusive approaches to
talent management 118
Sharna Wiblen
20 What is competence? Theory, policy and practice 123
Jonathan Winterton and Travis Turnbow
21 Gender at Victoria Police: A long way travelled 129
Georgina Caillard and Julie Wolfram Cox
22 Workplace bullying at Neptune Plc 137
Ria Deakin and Helge Hoel
23 New forms of worker organising: Sex work in Argentina 142
Kate Hardy

24 System error, restart? Allegations of sex discrimination at Microsoft Corp. 148
Anthony Rafferty
25 Changing organisational hierarchies: KnowledgeLtd 156
Rory Donnelly
26 Worker wellbeing at Jacaranda House 161
Susan Ressia, Adrian Wilkinson and Paula K. Mowbray
27 What makes a good job for low-waged workers? 166
Chris Warhurst and Sally Wright
28 Organizing project-based work in the games industry: Two contrasting cases 172
Wike Been and Noëlle Payton
29 Human resource management and relationship marketing: How two organizations
leveraged tattoos to build their brand 178
Andrew R. Timming

30 Meaningless leadership 184
Leo McCann
31 Amazon: HRM and change in the house of neo-liberalism 191
Brian Harney and Tony Dundon
32 Leadership and change at Ford Motor Company 201
Dan H. Langerud and Peter J. Jordan
33 Implementing performance management in a public sector organisation in a
developing country 207
Thuraya Farhana Haji Said

34 HR function at MNC subsidiary level: Mediating challenges and tensions 216
Jonathan Lavelle, Patrick Gunnigle and Sinead Monaghan
35 Implementing HRM within multinational corporations: Localisation or
global standardisation? 222
Anastasia Kynighou
36 Global talent and mobility in a decentralised multinational enterprise 230
Anthony McDonnell, Stefan Jooss and Hugh Scullion
37 Strategy and people management in China – Haier as an example 239
Fang Lee Cooke
38 Emiratization: Benefits and challenges of strategic and radical change in the
United Arab Emirates 245
Rachid Zeffane and Linzi Kemp
39 Survival and outsourcing in the South African clothing and textiles industry:
The changing fortunes of ClothTran 254
Christine Bischoff and Geoffrey Wood
40 Cultural and logistical preparation of expatriates 261
William Despotovic

41 Labor practices in Apple’s supply chains in China 266
Jenny Chan
42 Framing workers’ rights internationally: The case of Volkswagen and
transnational collective agreements 272
Stephen Mustchin, Miguel Martínez Lucio, Michael Whittall, Fernando Rocha and Volker Telljohann
43 Labour rights and global standards: What the Ali Enterprises fire tells us about
social accountability and labour conditions in an international supply chain 277
Jean Jenkins

Index 285
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