
  1. Add to Wish List Regulating Transport in Europe

    Regulating Transport in Europe

    Edited by Mattias Finger, Torben Holvad
    This book concerns the regulation of transport within a European context, covering air, inland waterways, rail, road passenger and freight, urban public transport, and short sea shipping. All these sectors have experienced substantial c...
    Hardback (2013)

    List price £104.00

    Member price £93.60



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  2. Add to Wish List Smart Transport Networks

    Smart Transport Networks

    Edited by Thomas Vanoutrive, Ann Verhetsel
    Transport is debated by many, and liberalization processes, transport policy, transport and climate change and increased competition between transport modes are the subject of heated discussion. Smart Transport Networks illustrates that ...
    Hardback (2013)

    List price £109.00

    Member price £98.10



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  3. Add to Wish List Urban Form and Transport Accessibility

    Urban Form and Transport Accessibility

    Edited by Corinne Mulley
    This important collection provides a foundational understanding of the debates surrounding urban form and the ability of land use policy to deliver the preferred urban form. Professor Mulley has selected key published articles from disci...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price £296.00

    Member price £266.40

  4. Add to Wish List Recent Developments in the Economics of Transport

    Recent Developments in the Economics of Transport

    Edited by Roger Vickerman
    This comprehensive two-volume collection provides a selection of key writings on the economics of transport published since 1990. Topics covered include transport, economic activity and the spatial economy; demand and activity-based appr...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price £567.00

    Member price £510.30

  5. Add to Wish List Accessibility Analysis and Transport Planning

    Accessibility Analysis and Transport Planning

    Edited by Karst T. Geurs, Kevin J. Krizek, Aura Reggiani
    Accessibility is a concept central to integrated transport and land use planning. The goal of improving accessibility for all modes, for all people, has made its way into mainstream transport policy and planning in communities worldwide....
    Hardback (2012)

    List price £115.00

    Member price £103.50



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  6. Add to Wish List Transport, the Environment and Public Health: Classic Papers on Non-motorised Travel

    Transport, the Environment and Public Health: Classic Papers on Non-motorised Travel

    Edited by Stephen P. Greaves, Jan Garrard
    This volume brings together a collection of seminal articles published in the past twelve years focused around non-motorised transport (NMT). The editors have selected papers, drawn from the transportation, health and planning literature...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price £184.00

    Member price £165.60

  7. Add to Wish List Transport, the Environment and Security

    Transport, the Environment and Security

    Rae Zimmerman
    From a primarily urban perspective, the author illustrates that the fields of transportation, environment (with an emphasis on climate change) and security (for both natural hazards and terrorism) and their interconnections remain robust...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price £104.00

    Member price £93.60



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  8. Add to Wish List A Dictionary of Transport Analysis

    A Dictionary of Transport Analysis

    Edited by Kenneth Button, Henry Vega, Peter Nijkamp
    This concise and clearly focused Dictionary, with contributions by the leading authorities in their fields, brings order and clarity to a topic that can suffer from confusion over terminology and concepts. It provides a bridge between t...
    Paperback (2012)

    List price £55.95

    Member price £44.76

    Hardback (2010)

    List price £200.00

    Member price £180.00



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  9. Add to Wish List Classics in Port Policy and Management

    Classics in Port Policy and Management

    Edited by Mary R. Brooks, Athanasios A. Pallis
    This path-breaking volume, edited by two leading scholars in the field, brings together 41 seminal contributions from 50 years of scholarly research in port policy and management. In revisiting the key foundations established by previous...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price £278.00

    Member price £250.20

  10. Add to Wish List Globalization and Transport

    Globalization and Transport

    Edited by Kenneth Button, Henry Vega
    The field of globalization and transport has witnessed a surge in interest over the past two decades with scholars questioning the reasoning behind its growth, its impact on the environment and trade as well as its effect on the developm...
    Hardback (2012)

    List price £332.00

    Member price £298.80

  11. Add to Wish List Tax Free Trade Zones of the World and in the United States

    Tax Free Trade Zones of the World and in the United States

    Susan Tiefenbrun
    This definitive and comprehensive book, with contributions from world-renowned foreign trade zone expert, the late Walter Diamond, provides an up-to-date guide to the free trade zones and subzones in the United States and around the world.
    Hardback (2012)

    List price £245.00

    Member price £220.50



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  12. Add to Wish List The Automotive Industry in an Era of Eco-Austerity

    The Automotive Industry in an Era of Eco-Austerity

    Peter E. Wells
    This unique book seeks to combine economic analysis with the environmental research to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the forces that shape change in the automotive industry. It eschews the usual focus on technologies, and gi...
    Paperback (2012)

    List price £34.95

    Member price £27.96

    Hardback (2010)

    List price £94.00

    Member price £84.60



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