Economic History

  1. Add to Wish List History of Economic Thought as an Intellectual Discipline

    History of Economic Thought as an Intellectual Discipline

    D. P. O’Brien
    This book restates the importance of the study of the history of ideas, in the context of the writings of economists. After an initial statement, a case study involving five methodological detours is considered. This is followed by an an...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price £141.00

    Member price £126.90

  2. Add to Wish List Pioneers of Financial Economics: Volume 2

    Pioneers of Financial Economics: Volume 2

    Edited by Geoffrey Poitras, Franck Jovanovic
    This second and final book in the exploration of the pioneers of financial economics examines the development of the discipline during the twentieth century. Specially commissioned essays discuss scholars from the early part of the centu...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price £108.00

    Member price £97.20

  3. Add to Wish List The Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics

    The Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics

    Howard R. Vane, Chris Mulhearn
    Erudite, accessible and lucidly written, this book provides a stimulating introduction to the careers and main published works of the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics. It will prove to be an invaluable reference book on key figures ...
    Paperback (2006)

    List price £48.95

    Member price £39.16

    Hardback (2005)

    List price £131.00

    Member price £117.90



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  4. Add to Wish List The Legacy of Ludwig von Mises

    The Legacy of Ludwig von Mises

    Edited by Peter J. Boettke, Peter T. Leeson
    This pathbreaking book seeks to be the definitive collection documenting the intellectual legacy of Ludwig von Mises in modern political economy. Its intended readership is scholars in the history of political economy and in particular ...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price £543.00

    Member price £488.70

  5. Add to Wish List Pioneers of Financial Economics: Volume 1

    Pioneers of Financial Economics: Volume 1

    Edited by Geoffrey Poitras
    The search for the pioneers of financial economics contained in this volume places the origins of financial economics well outside the conventional boundaries of the history of economic thought. Under the editorship of Geoffrey Poitras, ...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price £109.00

    Member price £98.10

  6. Add to Wish List The Road to Economic Freedom

    The Road to Economic Freedom

    Edited by Philip Booth, John Meadowcroft
    This pathbreaking collection brings together a selection of work by Nobel Prize winning authors from the archives of the Institute of Economic Affairs. The laureates whose work is featured made an important contribution to economists’ un...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price £425.00

    Member price £382.50

  7. Add to Wish List Economic Growth and Distribution

    Economic Growth and Distribution

    Edited by Neri Salvadori
    Economic Growth and Distribution isolates and compares the logical structures and methodological underpinnings underlying the relationship between economic growth and distribution. It carries out an in-depth analysis of a wide range of i...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price £141.00

    Member price £126.90



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  8. Add to Wish List Innovation, Evolution and Economic Change

    Innovation, Evolution and Economic Change

    Edited by Blandine Laperche, James K. Galbraith, Dimitri Uzunidis
    The book begins with a penetrating analysis of the main features of today’s capitalism and in particular the conflict between shareholders and managers. It moves on to focus on the consequences of globalization in the decision-making pro...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price £126.00

    Member price £113.40



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  9. Add to Wish List The Elgar Dictionary of Economic Quotations

    The Elgar Dictionary of Economic Quotations

    Edited by Charles Robert McCann Jr
    The Elgar Dictionary of Economic Quotations is a unique compendium of quotations on subjects of interest to economists and those who are generally intrigued by the social sciences. The coverage is not merely confined to economists, but i...
    Paperback (2006)

    List price £48.95

    Member price £39.16

    Hardback (2003)

    List price £164.00

    Member price £147.60

  10. Add to Wish List Classical, Neoclassical and Keynesian Views on Growth and Distribution

    Classical, Neoclassical and Keynesian Views on Growth and Distribution

    Edited by Neri Salvadori, Carlo Panico
    This book reconsiders and analyses the different approaches historically proposed in the literature on growth and distribution. The contributors have achieved, through a comprehensive and cohesive analysis of the approaches of different ...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price £126.00

    Member price £113.40



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  11. Add to Wish List Innovation, Unemployment and Policy in the Theories of Growth and Distribution

    Innovation, Unemployment and Policy in the Theories of Growth and Distribution

    Edited by Neri Salvadori, Renato Balducci
    Innovation, Unemployment and Policy in the Theories of Growth and Distribution increases our understanding about the more relevant economic determinants and policy aspects of the interdependence between economic growth and income distrib...
    Hardback (2005)

    List price £126.00

    Member price £113.40



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  12. Add to Wish List Henry George’s Legacy in Economic Thought

    Henry George’s Legacy in Economic Thought

    Edited by John Laurent
    Henry George’s Progress and Poverty sold more than 3 million copies by the time of its 50th anniversary in 1929 – outselling all other works on economics – yet today economics students can complete their courses without ever having heard...
    Hardback (2005)

    List price £109.00

    Member price £98.10



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