Law and Business

  1. Add to Wish List Law and Entrepreneurship

    Law and Entrepreneurship

    Edited by Robert E. Litan, Anthony J. Luppino
    The symbiosis that exists between entrepreneurship and law is of paramount importance in accommodating and advancing the freedom to innovate, as well as the need to prevent unfair and abusive activities. Seminal articles and essays repri...
    Hardback (2013)

    List price £355.00

    Member price £319.50

  2. Add to Wish List The Changing Face of US Patent Law and its Impact on Business Strategy

    The Changing Face of US Patent Law and its Impact on Business Strategy

    Edited by Daniel R. Cahoy, Lynda J. Oswald
    Within the complex global economy, patents function as indispensable tools for fostering and protecting innovation. This fascinating volume offers a comprehensive perspective on the US patent system, detailing its many uses and outlining...
    Hardback (2013)

    List price £104.00

    Member price £93.60



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