Policy, Administrative and Institutional Change series

Series editors: Giliberto Capano, Professor of Political Science, Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy and Edoardo Ongaro, Professor of Public Management, The Open University, UK

Change is the main explanatory challenge for the social sciences. Stability and persistence are simpler to understand and explain than change; at the same time, change is not separated from stability, and, from this point of view, any approach to change (in whatever field) should be able to account for both ‘constancy and change’.

Change is of significance, both for explanatory reasons, and from a more normative/prescriptive standpoint. To address, lead, control and implement change is a key task for policy-makers who, to adjust to or improve reality, constantly strive to cope with reality through designed changes in the institutional structure, in the organizational and processual dimensions of public administration, and in the governance arrangements of policies.

Following up on the above premises, this series is aimed at publishing books offering new, original, and enlightening views on change in action. The series is committed to overcoming the borders between scholars in public policy, public administration and management, and political institutions. Change happens at the crossroads where political institutions, policies and public administrations constantly interact and influence each other.

This broad perspective is highly relevant and innovative, both from the scientific and the applied perspective. The series, with its multi-dimensional and multi-theoretical commitment, is designed to offer significant information and high-quality practical knowledge for both scholars and policy-makers alike.

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