The McGill International Entrepreneurship series

Series editor: Hamid Etemad, McGill University, Canada

The two fields of international business and entrepreneurship have traditionally covered seemingly unrelated and practically different disciplines. One covered larger-scale, multi-point business operations by mainly large Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) in international markets; and the other addressed entrepreneurial initiatives primarily in the context of smaller-scale and domestic operations.

International Entrepreneurship is the emerging field dedicated to both the grounded practice and scholarly inquiry in the unfolding competitive environment and the corresponding entrepreneurial strategy for achieving success internationally and remaining competitive at home. It neither assumes an a-priori geographical limitation in its scope or concentration, nor a theoretical barrier in conceptualization and formulation of its entrepreneurial initiatives and associated strategies. It embraces the richness of theory and practice in its constituent fields of International Business and Entrepreneurship as well as others. It examines, develops and highlights the underpinnings of entrepreneurial initiatives at home and abroad that lead to an enterprises success.

Elgar's McGill International Entrepreneurship Series is a bold entrepreneurial quest for excellence. It is a joint initiative between Edward Elgar's traditional dedication to publications in entrepreneurship and the McGill University's pioneering efforts in International Entrepreneurship. The primary aim of this series is to present cutting-edge advances in this rapidly developing and dynamic field.

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