A New Generation in International Strategic Management


A New Generation in International Strategic Management

9781847200389 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Stephen Tallman, The E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Professor in Business, University of Richmond, US
Publication Date: 2007 ISBN: 978 1 84720 038 9 Extent: 360 pp
This book comprises eighteen cutting edge chapters by emerging scholars in international strategy, offering a variety of fresh perspectives on critical issues that the field will face in the near future. These young scholars have unique and innovative thoughts about international strategy, which are well ahead of the mainstream of international business academics.

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This book comprises eighteen cutting edge chapters by emerging scholars in international strategy, offering a variety of fresh perspectives on critical issues that the field will face in the near future. These young scholars have unique and innovative thoughts about international strategy, which are well ahead of the mainstream of international business academics.

Various topics are addressed, including the rise of outsourcing and the global spread of research and development activities; structural innovations by multinational firms, with particular attention to organizing for the efficient transfer of knowledge resources within networks of alliances; and new ways of considering the effects of location, focusing on the relative importance of regional clusters and countries and the impact of geographical and cultural distance on international strategies.

Stephen Tallman has geared the book to an academic audience, specifically faculty and graduate students in international business, international management, and global strategy. Sophisticated international business practitioners will also find it an interesting read.
Critical Acclaim
‘Stephen Tallman has put together an excellent tome by high-quality emerging scholars that provides cutting edge knowledge on the field of international strategy. The coverage is thorough, including more traditional topics such as the outcomes of internationalization (e.g., performance, innovation, risk reduction) and market entry modes of cross-border M&As and alliances, while also exploring unique and important topics such as investment in global cities and the development of new organizational forms. It is a must read for graduate students and scholars interested in international strategy.’
– Michael A. Hitt, Texas A&M University, US
Contributors: R.V. Aguilera, B.B. Allred, V. Almeida, B. Ambos, T.C. Ambos, V. Andonova, D.W. Baack, C.C. Chung, A. Cuervo-Cazurra, J. Doh, M.P. Ferreira, R.G. Flores, A. Goerzen, S.-H. Lee, D. Li, J. Li, R. Parente, A. Phene, R. Ragozzino, R. Salomon, P. Sonderegger, K.S. Swan, S. Svejenova, K.S. Swan, S. Tallman, F.A. Täube, T.W. Tong, C.A. Un, P. Vaaler, G. Vasudeva, L. Vives, Z. Wu


1. Peripheral Vision for International Strategy: Exploring Vistas of the Field’s Future
Luis Vives and Silviya Svejenova

2. Geographic Diversification: Risk Reduction or Operational Flexibility
Seung-Hyun Lee and Chris Changwha Chung

3. Is ‘Do What You Do Best and Outsource the Rest’ an Appropriate Technology Sourcing Strategy?
Brent B. Allred and K. Scott Swan

4. Types of Difficulties in Internationalization and their Consequences
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra and C. Annique Un

5. R&D Internationalization: Building Organizational Capabilities to Balance Exploration and Exploitation
Gurneeta Vasudeva and Petra Sonderegger

6. Real Options Theory and International Strategic Management
Jing Li and Tony W. Tong

7. International Business Theory, Multinational Enterprise, and New Organizational Forms
Jonathan Doh

8. Organizing for Discontinuous Knowledge Flows: A New Perspective on the Management of Knowledge and Innovation in MNCs
Björn Ambos and Tina C. Ambos

9. Building and Leveraging Knowledge Capabilities through Cross-border Acquisitions
Manuel Portugal Ferreira

10. Non-transitive Decision Making About Partner Selection in International R&D Alliances
Dan Li

11. Evolution of Outcomes in International Strategic Alliances
Anupama Phene

12. Is it all a Matter of Grouping? Examining the Regional Effect in Global Strategy Research
Ruth V. Aguilera, Ricardo G. Flores and Paul Vaaler

13. Global Cities and Multinational Corporation Investment
Anthony Goerzen

14: Cultural and Institutional Determinants of Agglomeration
Robert Salomon and Zheying Wu

15. Local Clusters with Non-local Demand: An Exploratory Study of Small Ethnic Worlds in the Indian IT Industry
Florian A. Täube

16. Technology as a Remedy for Political Risks
Veneta Andonova

17. The Role of Geographic Distance in FDI
Roberto Ragozzino

18. Psychic Distance and Directional Equivalence: A Theoretical Framework
Ronaldo Parente, Daniel W. Baack and Victor Almeida

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