Call for New Book Proposals

The editors of the Teaching Methods in Business book series seek expressions of interest from individuals who wish to co-author one of the newly planned volumes as described below. Prospective authors should be academics or corporate trainers with a strong background in business education and active learning pedagogy. Potential authors are invited to discuss their interest and credentials with one of the series editors:

Dr. Jeanie Forray ([email protected])

Dr. Jennifer Leigh ([email protected])

Dr. Sarah Wright ([email protected]).

Selected co-authors will contract for their volume directly with the publisher with respect to due dates and compensation.



1. Role Play Simulations1. Role Play Simulations

2. Experiential Exercises in the Classroom

3. Classroom as Organization

4. Computer Simulations & Gaming

5. Course Design and Assessment

6. Problem/Project-Based Learning 

7. Teams & Group Work

8. Facilitating Simulations

9. Arts-Based Approaches to Business Education



Global Virtual Teams

Since the beginning of the global pandemic, there has been a rapid uptake of virtual teaming both domestically and internationally. Yet, this nascent trend existed before work from home mandates. To prepare our students for this rapidly evolving workplace reality, business school instructors must incorporate best practices in global virtual teaming into the classroom content and learning experiences. In this volume, we seek an international co-editing team that can curate and distill evidence-based practices to guide global virtual teaming. Furthermore, we seek experienced instructors who can codify and illustrate the various innovative GVT teaching and learning practices (i.e., massive cross-national project-based learning initiatives like X-Culture, homegrown cross- institutional engagements like case study competitions, cross-classroom teaming tailored to specific disciplines like entrepreneurship, and so on).


Individual and Group Reflection

Reflection is a key component in the Experiential Learning Cycle. The process of reflection can help students consider what they have accomplished and learned during the experience, and provides an opportunity for them to formulate ideas about how they can harness the learning in other facets of their lives. Reflection also helps manage any tension arising from an experience that needs to be processed before the learning is consolidated. In this volume, we seek an international co-authoring team that can help educators navigate the best practices associated with the debriefing and reflection process in business experiential education, and provide an expose of examples educators can take into their classrooms.


Service and Community-based Learning

In many business schools, there is a growing emphasis on the impact of education on real-life contexts outside the university setting. One methodology for contextualizing academic, work- readiness and life skills is service and community-based learning, an engaged pedagogy that combines instruction with meaningful community and service experiences. For this volume, we seek an international co-editing team with broad experience in service and community-based learning who can offer conceptual and practical guidance to those interested in pursuing these types of engagements for their own courses.



Author Information

A brief description (100-150 words) of each author’s institutional affiliation and experience with the volume’s method.

Chapter Details

Each TMB volume follows a chapter template, including word counts, as shown below. Proposals should include detailed information about how the authors plan to approach chapter content and focus.


Chapter 1 - Conceptual/Theoretical Frame (15,000-20,000 words)

Literature review and discussion of active learning concepts. Includes specific attention to the method within an active learning conceptual framework. Includes history of method and its use in business education.

Chapter 2 - Considerations for Use (20,000-25000 words)

Discussion of method as it relates to specific learning contexts and the ways in which these

elements may inform an instructor’s use of the method. Learning contexts include:

  • Class Size (large lecture, general classroom, small seminar)
  • Location (online, on ground, hybrid)
  • Level of Student Population (undergraduate (may include distinction between lower

division and upper division students), master’s, doctoral, executive)

  • Institutional Culture
  • Assessment Demands

Discussion of benefits or strengths as well as the challenges of the method for teachers and

learners (drawn from literature as well as the author’s experience). May also include discussion

of different theoretical/philosophical perspectives regarding use of the method.

Chapter 3 - How to Prepare and Implement (7,500-10,000 words)

Pre-class preparation needed prior to using the approach, including suggestions for additional scholarly reading on the topic, directions for implementing (may include differentiation with respect to learning contexts discussed in Chapter 2).


Annotated Bibliography (7,500-9000 words)

Annotated descriptions (250-300 words) of 25-30 articles describing and/or depicting the method in use. Articles must come from pedagogical journals in business (ex: Organizational Behavior, Business Education, Business Ethics, Business Law, Entrepreneurship,

Human Resource Management, International Business, Management, Marketing, and Strategic Management) and other social science disciplines as appropriate. Each annotation provides enough information that the reader is able to determine whether the article will be a valuable ‘further reading’ resource for his/her classroom.


End of book – Glossary, Tools & Resources (teaching conferences, online resource portals, etc.).



Update the timetable below to propose a schedule for completing the manuscript, using the dates sequence provided as an example.



Target Completion Date:



1. Volume Contracted

September 1, 2022

2. Completed volume draft received by Managing Co-Editor

No later than June 30, 2023

3. Review by Editors and returned to Author(s) for revisions

Prior to August 30, 2023

4. Final chapters received by Managing Co-Editor

Prior to October 30, 2023

5. Delivery of Final manuscript to Publisher

Prior to November 30, 2023