Call for Chapters

Towards Greater Equality in Academia:
A Collective Response

Edited by Frederike Scholz, Associate Professor of Organizational Change and Digital Transition, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, the Netherlands and Joanna Maria Szulc, Assistant Professor, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

Project Description:

This book seeks to address the challenges faced by Early Career Academics (ECAs) in today's academic landscape. We aim to foster a more supportive and collective environment where ECAs can thrive. Key areas include critiquing existing academic norms, exploring emerging challenges, sharing personal experiences, promoting diversity and inclusion, advocating for collective action, and proposing future strategies for change.

Our Approach:

The book incorporates personal stories from scholars of various generations, opening space for writing differently approaches. We encourage diverse storytelling methods, such as poems, vignettes, and virtual drawings, to showcase the vulnerability and struggles inherent in academia, but also the existence of a ‘kind of equality’ and a collective and collaborative space.

We offer two types of submissions:

1. General Book Chapter Abstract Submission:

We invite abstract submissions from ECAs interested in contributing to individual or collaborative chapters sharing their collective and/or individual stories of working in academia.
Please submit your book chapter abstract via :

2. Anonymous Submission: Safe Space: Silenced Voices of ECAs

We are collecting stories for a chapter titled "Safe Space: Silenced Voices of ECAs." We understand that some authors may wish to discuss sensitive topics anonymously. To accommodate this, we provide an anonymous submission platform. The editors will collate these anonymous responses and craft a narrative based on them.
Please submit your anonymous story via:
Final Anonymous Submission Deadline: October, 1, 2024


Abstract/Information Event:

For interested scholars, we will be hosting a CMS-in touch event in June to submit their book chapter ideas and maybe form collaborations to write a book chapter together. Details tbc.

Expected Lengths of Abstract/Chapter Submission:

Abstracts should be approx. 500-580 words Chapters should be between 2000-4000 words.


Schedule for General Submissions:

General Book Chapter Abstract Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024

Notify Proposal Acceptance: September 5, 2024

Full Book Chapter Submission: December 16, 2024

Chapters sent out for peer-review to contributing authors: January, 6, 2025

Reviewed Results Returned (Peer-review feedback provided): February 28, 2025

Final Revised Book Chapter Submission: May 31, 2025

Expected publication date: 2026

Contact Information:

For any other queries please contact the book editors via email:

Frederike Scholz [email protected]

Joanna Maria Szulc [email protected]

Additional Information:

The book will be published in hardback and eBook formats simultaneously. It will be available to purchase through EEP’s website and third-party vendors. The book will also be included on ElgarOnline which is available for institutions/academic libraries to purchase.
All contributing authors will receive a 50% author discount to use across the Edward Elgar Publishing website. Contributing authors will also be offered a complimentary digital copy of the book along with a PDF of their chapter as a thank you. Contributing authors will retain the copyright of their contributions.