Edward Elgar Publishing - Political Science and Public Policy Q2

6 Save up to 20% at e-elgar.com I For our electronic content, visit: elgaronline.com A Research Agenda for Far-Right Violence and Extremism Edited by Rohan Gunaratna, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore and Katalin Peth -Kiss, Counter Terrorism Information and Criminal Analysis Centre, Budapest, Hungary ‘Rohan Gunaratna is one of the world’s leading scholars and policy influencers on the topic of militant jihadism – his expertise long predates the attacks of September 11, 2001. Now he and his co-editor Katalin Petho-Kiss have set a scholarly standard for a new generational global threat: that of far-right extremism and terrorist violence. This deeply researched volume, containing outstanding contributions from multiple scholar-practitioners, covers the panoply of increasingly globalized right-wing movements and threats. It is a must-read for scholars and practitioners who wish to better grasp this emerging threat, along with strategies for tackling it.’ – Stuart Gottlieb, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, US April 2024 266 pp Hardback 978 1 80220 961 7 £105.00 / $145.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Research Agendas Strategy for Sustainability Transitions Governance, Community and Environment Kristof Van Assche, University of Alberta, Canada, Raoul Beunen, Open University, the Netherlands and Monica Gruezmacher, University of Alberta, Canada ‘This excellent volume examines a key question of our time – the possibility of sustainability transitions – through an evolutionary governance lens. In addition to exploring how climate change, biodiversity and energy crises, water and food scarcity require societal transitions, it keeps a firm eye focused on the lessons that have been learned about why societal transitions occur (or not) and especially on the role played in these processes by governing institutions writ large. Drawing on earlier work by the authors and others in the field, the book introduces and applies the idea of a “governance path” in assessing how likely any sustainability transition might be and in what directions any such transition is likely to go. Concluding with a discussion of the interplay between governance and policy strategies, the book highlights the need for both good governance and good strategies if any kind of successful transition is to occur.’ – Michael Howlett, Simon Fraser University, Canada April 2024 316 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 2399 9 £110.00 / $155.00 eBook • Elgaronline Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics in the Social Sciences Edited by Tuija Takala and Matti Häyry, Aalto University, Finland ‘This is a uniquely informative and insightful source of knowledge on the plethora of ways in which applied ethics is intertwined with the theory and practice of the social sciences.’ – Thomasine Kushner, Program in Medicine and Human Values, Sutter Health April 2024 284 pp Hardback 978 1 80088 168 6 £175.00 / $245.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences series Research Handbook on Civil–Military Relations Edited by Aurel Croissant, Heidelberg University, Germany and and GSIS, Ewha Womans University, S Korea, David Kuehn, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Germany and David PionBerlin, University of California, Riverside, US ‘This exceptionally wide-ranging work on military politics features some of the most thoughtful scholars on this important subject. It belongs on the bookshelf of everyone interested in the interactions between the armed forces, society, and politicians.’ – Zoltan Barany, University of Texas, US April 2024 448 pp Hardback 978 1 80088 983 5 £210.00 / $295.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Handbooks in Political Science Research Handbook on Curriculum and Education Edited by Elizabeth Rata, University of Auckland, New Zealand ‘Contributors to this outstanding anthology include historians, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, educators, didactitians, and literary scholars from 18 countries. The acquisition of universal, yet fallible and revisable knowledge, as the core curriculum principle is defended. Issues of design, transformation, implementation, politics, powerful knowledge, and teacher education are addressed in national contexts.’ – Michael R. Matthews, University of New South Wales, Australia April 2024 602 pp Hardback 978 1 80220 853 5 £245.00 / $345.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Handbooks in Education POLITICAL SCIENCE & PUBLIC POLICY NEW TITLES, APRIL – JUNE 2024