Edward Elgar Publishing - Political Science and Public Policy Q2

10 Save up to 20% at e-elgar.com I For our electronic content, visit: elgaronline.com Varieties of Capitalism and the Political Economy of Differentiated Integration in Europe Rafał Riedel, University of Opole, Poland and Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, Germany and Jakub Anusik, University of Łodź and University of Opole, Poland ‘The authors provide a fascinating account of differentiated European integration on the basis of national varieties of capitalism in Germany, Poland, Switzerland and the UK. The four case studies are presented with great methodological diligence, intellectual insight and theoretical reflexivity. This book sheds new light on a very diverse, yet closely connected Europe.’ – Ulrich Schmid, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland June 2024 c 210 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 1930 5 c £85.00 / c $120.00 eBook • Elgaronline New Horizons in European Politics series Values, Institutions and Innovations for Societal Progress The Moral Pursuit of Autonomy and Rationality Udo Pesch, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands ‘Udo Pesch provides an overdue impetus to rethink progress as a value-oriented design task based on understanding and deliberation. This book not only encourages the belief that progress is still possible, but also provides valuable insights on how we can contribute.’ – Armin Grunwald, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany June 2024 c 240 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 2252 7 c £95.00 / c $135.00 eBook • Elgaronline Research Handbook on the Green Economy Edited by Andrew Jones, Brunel University London, UK and Patrik Str m, Stockholm School of Economics and University of Gothenburg, Sweden ‘Since its emergence in the late 1980s, the term “green economy” has become ubiquitous in contemporary policy debates. This book provides the most comprehensive and thorough treatment of the topic to date, highlighting various definitions and approaches to greening economies as well as applications to specific industries and case studies.’ – Edward Barbier, Colorado State University, US May 2024 324 pp Hardback 978 1 78990 482 6 c £155.00 / c $215.00 eBook • Elgaronline Elgar Handbooks in Energy, the Environment and Climate Change Public Policy in the Arab World Responding to Uprisings, Pandemic and War Edited by Anis Ben Brik, Hamid Bin Khalifa University, Qatar ‘In this important and timely volume, Anis Ben Brik assembles a group of experts to assess the challenges and opportunities posed by the aftermath of the Arab Spring and the pandemic to governance in the Arab world. Collectively, the chapters focus on how these twin crises have shaped the lived experiences of marginalized groups and highlight the key role of politics in shaping policies towards the region’s most vulnerable populations.’ – Melani Cammett, Harvard University, US June 2024 c 340 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 1268 9 c £110.00 / c $155.00 eBook • Elgaronline New Horizons in Public Policy series Handbook on Climate Change and Environmental Governance in China Edited by Xiaowei Zang, City University of Hong Kong and Xiaoling Zhang, University of Hong Kong This Handbook is an essential read for anyone interested in sustainable development and the green economy in China. Using innovative research methods, this Handbook provides a much needed update on climate change and environmental governance and offers an insightful analysis into state-society relations in China. – Genia Kostka, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany June 2024 c 442 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 1634 2 c £205.00 / c $285.00 eBook • Elgaronline Handbooks of Research on Contemporary China series Migration Statecraft The European Migration and Development Regime Kristof Tamas, Ministry of Justice, Sweden ‘This book extends a highly valuable and much needed analysis of two rationales that need to be combined within the school of International Relations: classical realism and constructivism. Through the concept “leveraged statecraft” in EU context, the author seeks to bridge two contradictory objectives: how to contain irregular migration and promote poverty reduction at the same time?’ – Grete Brochmann, University of Oslo, Norway June 2024 252 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 1854 4 c £100.00 / c $140.00 eBook • Elgaronline New Horizons in European Politics series POLITICAL SCIENCE & PUBLIC POLICY NEW TITLES, APRIL – JUNE 2024