Edward Elgar Publishing - Business & Management

5 Save up to 20% at e-elgar.com I For our electronic content, visit: elgaronline.com BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT TITLES, JULY - SEPT 2024 Research Handbook on Sustainability Reporting Edited by Gunnar Rimmel, Aalborg University Business School, Denmark, Gü ler Aras, Yildiz Technical University (YTU), Turkey, Diogenis Baboukardos, Audencia Business School, France and Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, Joanna Krasodomska, Krakow University of Economics, Poland,Christian Nielsen, University of Bologna, Italy and Frank Schiemann, University of Bamberg, Germany ‘This book provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of sustainability reporting and its evolution. It takes an international and broad view, covering the perspective of standard setters, that of companies and their governance, and its consequences on capital markets. Moreover, it provides new avenues for research, making it essential reading for researchers navigating between accounting and sustainability reporting.’ – Begoña Giner Inchausti, University of Valencia, Spain Sept 2024 c 558 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 1625 0 c £230.00 / c $320.00 Research Handbooks on Accounting series How to Enable Engagement Between Universities and Business A Guide for Building Relationships Edited by Kathy Daniels, formerly Aston University, UK and Saskia Loer Hansen, RMIT University, Australia ‘How to Enable Engagement between Universities and Business captures the societal challenge of today. The 37 chapters of this comprehensive text offer a detailed pathway to improving interactions between tertiary level education institutions and for-profit and not-for-profit organisations. This is a must read for Chairs, CEOs, Vice Chancellors, Deans and all involved in growing the educational, financial and moral wealth across nations.’ – Andrew Kakabadse, Henley Business School, UK Sept 2024 c 436 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 1679 3c £130.00c $180.00 How To Guides Encyclopedia of Sport Management Second Edition Edited by Paul M. Pedersen, Indiana University-Bloomington, US‘Over the main entrance of Dodd Hall at Florida State University are the words, “The half of knowledge is to know where to find knowledge.” This expanded second edition of the Encyclopedia of Sport Management is bigger and better than ever, making it the must-have reference for all sport managers.’ – Damon P.S. Andrew, Florida State University, US Sept 2024 c 900 pp Hardback 978 1 0353 1717 2 c £385.00 / c $540.00 Elgar Encyclopedias in Business and Management series Research Handbook on Sustainable Project Management Edited by Gilbert Silvius, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, the Netherlands, and University of Johannesburg, South Africa and Martina Huemann, University College London, UK, and Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria ‘An invaluable resource, offering profound insights and practical guidance for integrating sustainability into project management. It is an essential read for anyone committed to advancing the field and achieving meaningful progress in sustainable practices.’ – Zhifu Mi, University College London, UK July 2024 500 pp Hardback 978 1 80088 544 8 £225.00 / $315.00 Research Handbooks in Business and Management series Cases on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Unexplored Topics and Contexts Edited by Jana Schmutzler, TU Delft, the Netherlands, Universidad del Norte, Colombia and Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany, Lorena A. PalaciosChacón, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Guadalajara, Mexico, Samantha Burvill, Swansea University, UK and Veneta Andonova, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia ‘This compelling collection of case studies provide unequivocal evidence of how and why context matters for entrepreneurship and innovation. The beauty and power of the book lie in the breadth and diversity in unraveling the promise of entrepreneurship to drive innovation across a broad spectrum of very different institutional and developmental contexts. As this book makes clear, the promise of entrepreneurship and innovation is inclusive and attainable across the globe.’ – David Audretsch, Indiana University, US July 2024 282 pp Hardback 978 1 80220 452 0 £110.00 / $155.00 Elgar Cases in Entrepreneurship Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Conflict Edited by Wim Naudé, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany and Bernadette Power, University College Cork, Ireland ‘In an era rife with conflict throughout every level of society, this pathbreaking Handbook paves important new ground in analyzing how entrepreneurship can be both a positive response but also a concerning trigger for conflict. This Handbook draws on a broad-spectrum of expert authors spanning a diverse range of backgrounds and scholarly fields to shed new light on the links between entrepreneurship and conflict. This is a must read not just for entrepreneurship scholarship but for all of the social sciences and thought leaders concerned with the stability and sustainability of democratic society.’ – David B Audretsch, Indiana University, US July 2024 350 pp Hardback 978 1 80220 678 4 £190.00 / $265.00