Reuse of your work

We have tried to create a good balance between giving authors flexibility and control over how they use their research and our need as a publisher to sell our books to recoup our investment.

Green Open Access and self-archiving policy for books and chapters

For our journals policy please visit our Open Access Journals webpage

Authors may be required by research funders or their institution to make a book or chapter freely available, or to archive a copy in a repository. We offer both Gold Open Access options and Green Open Access options to enable you to comply with these policies and make your work more accessible.

Gold Open Access is a paid for option for making the final published version (the version of record, or VoR) available Open Access immediately on publication. This is the most effective way of widening dissemination and is available for both chapters and the full book. Click here for details of our Gold OA options.

Green Open Access is an alternative option for making the pre-production ‘Author’s Accepted Manuscript ‘(AAM) available Open Access without a charge. This is available for a limited number of individual chapters (not full books) as detailed in our policy below.


Green Open Access policy

The policy applies to material included in: 

• Scholarly monographs, and edited scholarly works
• Research Handbooks

The policy does not apply to:

• Textbooks, the Advanced introductions series and books of teaching cases
• Books published primarily for teaching use
• Titles published for the commercial legal market
• Reference works such as encyclopaedias, dictionaries or legal commentaries.


Summary of our Green Open Access policy
  Closed repository Open repository
Definition A repository that can only be accessed by members of a single institution or funder with log in A repository that can be accessed externally on the internet, including open university repositories, personal website and social sharing sites 
Single authored book The AAM of one chapter may be posted by the author without embargo The AAM of one chapter may be posted 12 months after publication
Multi authored book The AAM of one chapter may be posted by the authors without embargo  The AAM of one chapter may be posted by the authors 12 months after publication 
Edited book The AAM of one chapter may be posted by each contributor without embargo  The AAM of one chapter may be posted by each contributor after 12 months 


The AAM is the author accepted manuscript. This is the version that has been submitted to the publisher and accepted for publication, but has not yet been edited, typeset and paginated by the publisher.

You may post your work to your personal website, an open subject repository, a university institutional repository, or a social sharing site such as SSRN or ResearchGate. This includes repositories that operate an Open Access policy.

We grant this permission free of charge, subject to the following conditions:

• There is an embargo period of twelve months from our own publication date for an open repository (no embargo for a closed repository)
• In some cases, exceptions can be made to our embargo periods to meet funder mandates.
• Authors may post a single chapter from their authored book
• Contributors to an edited book may post a single chapter that they have contributed
• The original submitted version (the AAM) is posted (i.e. before any editing by or on behalf of Edward Elgar Publishing.)
• Full acknowledgement is made to the published work, including authors, editors and publisher.

Please apply a Creative Commons (CC) license to the AM version to make it clear to others how they can reuse your work.

We recommend the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) license. This Creative Commons Licence allows sharing of the OA chapter by others ensuring that the Author is credited but does not permit any alterations to the OA Content or it to be used commercially without permission.

This permission does not cover any part of the material that is attributed to another source from which you would have to obtain separate permission.

If the material is downloadable, please add the following text to the manuscript before posting.

This is a draft chapter/article. The final version is available in [insert book title] edited by [insert editor(s) or author(s)], published in 20xx, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd

It is deposited under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.

The highlighted DOI link for your own chapter/article can be found next to the official online version of your work on Elgaronline.

Posting the final published version online Open Access

If you would like to post the final published version of a book, chapter or article on the internet or on a unrestricted commercial web platform such as Research Gate or we offer Open Access options.

For more information and pricing please see our Open Access information page

Reusing your Elgar chapter or article in a new book

For books containing original research papers, such as our scholarly monographs and handbooks, we apply the convention that exists among academic publishers to grant permission free of charge, if your chapter/article:

  • is to be included in a book that you are the editor of and is being published by an academic publisher, or
  • is to be included in a collection consisting entirely of your own work (though some chapters/articles in the collection may involve co-editors).
  • The new book must have a later copyright date and you will need to obtain permission from any co-authors. You will also need to obtain permission for any parts of the materials that were attributed to another source.

Please contact PLSClear and complete the online form to obtain free permission.

Reusing figures or tables in a new publication

If you wish to reuse a figure, chart or table, and it is your own work we will grant this permission with no charge. Please ensure that the publication date of the new publication is after the publication date of the original Elgar book or article, and fully reference the original publication. You will also need to obtain permission from any co-authors.

This permission does not cover any part of the materials that is attributed to another source for which you will also need to obtain permission.

Please contact PLSClear and complete the online form to obtain free permission.

Using your chapter from a scholarly book for teaching

We are happy for you to use the chapter or article that you have submitted to a scholarly monograph, handbook or journal for your personal teaching and in the course pack that you put together for your course. This is restricted to one or two chapters from the book.

The whole ebook may also be assigned to students if your institution purchases access through Elgaronline.

Any electronic version must have access restricted, for example by password protecting the website where students are accessing it. You do not need to contact us to use your chapter or article in your teaching as long as it is not publicly available and is the submitted version.

Use in PhD theses

You may include the final published versions of your Elgar chapter, article, figure or table in your PhD thesis, citing the original version in the Elgar book or journal, as long as this is no more than 1 or 2 chapters/articles.  The thesis may then subsequently be made available in your university's open repository without an embargo.

The chapter/ article should not be reused or posted independently of the thesis without further permission.  If you wish to post a standalone chapter or article in an open repository please refer to our author reuse policy or our Open Access publishing options.

This permission does not cover any part of the material that is attributed to another source for which you would have to obtain separate permission.

To obtain free permission please apply through PLSClear.


Other Permissions

If you would like to use your chapter in a different way and it is not covered by the above options or by our general permissions page then please contact your commissioning editor or PLSClear who will be able to advise you: [email protected]