Handbook of Trust Research


Handbook of Trust Research

9781843767541 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Reinhard Bachmann, Professor of International Management, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, UK and Akbar Zaheer, Curtis L. Carlson Chair in Strategic Management, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, US
Publication Date: October 2006 ISBN: 978 1 84376 754 1 Extent: 448 pp
The Handbook of Trust Research presents a timely and comprehensive account of the most important work undertaken in this lively and emerging field over the past ten to fifteen years. Presenting a broad range of approaches to issues on trust, the Handbook features 22 articles from a variety of disciplines on the study of trust in both organizational and societal contexts. With contributions from some of the most eminent names in the field of trust research, this international collaboration is an imaginative and informative reference tool to aid research in this engaging area for years to come.

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In recent times, research on trust has become a major field in the domain of management and in the social sciences as a whole.

The Handbook of Trust Research presents a timely and comprehensive account of the most important work undertaken in this lively and emerging field over the past ten to fifteen years. Presenting a broad range of approaches to issues on trust, the Handbook features 22 articles from a variety of disciplines on the study of trust in both organizational and societal contexts. With contributions from some of the most eminent names in the field of trust research, this international collaboration is an imaginative and informative reference tool to aid research in this engaging area for years to come.

The Handbook contributes to an area of key importance to almost every aspect of business and society and, in particular, it will appeal to students and scholars of organization theory, strategy and organizational psychology.
Critical Acclaim
‘This Handbook helps scholars account for more nuances and complications of the phenomenon of trust. But it is also a firm, intelligent reminder not to mutilate the phenomenon while crafting those accounts.’
– Karl E. Weick, Academy of Management Review

‘Given the number of special issues and other empirical articles devoted to trust, a handbook to record the state of trust research (both conceptual and empirical) seems timely. . . this Handbook provides a collection of essays about different aspects, components, and qualities of trust, as well as differing perspectives on trust. . . The editors and authors seem to have delivered on their stated purposes, and the reader can approach the Handbook as a whole, or as separate parts that focus on a particular level of inquiry. . . The book is a primary resource for those who conduct trust research.’
– Joann Keyton, Academy of Management Review

‘Bachmann and Zaheer’s volume is well timed. Along with its valuable inventory of trust research, the Handbook is commendable for representing a true transnational collaboration that brings research from a range of European and North American scholars under one roof.’
– Ranjay Gulati, Academy of Management Review
Contributors: R. Arena, R. Bachmann, S. Banerjee, J. Beckert, C. Bicchieri, N.E. Bowie, P. Bromiley, M. Casson, N.L. Chervany, S.C. Currall, S. Deakin, M. Della Giusta, K.T. Dirks, G. Ertug, M. Gargiulo, J. Harris, V.T. Ho, A.C. Inkpen, M. Janowicz, R.M. Kramer, N. Lazaric, C.P. Long, E. Lorenz, A. Madhok, B. McEvily, D.H. McKnight, G. Möllering, N. Noorderhaven, B. Nooteboom, C. Pavone, P. Smith Ring, S.B. Sitkin, J. Sydow, A.H. Van de Ven, M. van Wegberg, R.A. Weber, A. van Witteloostuijn, A. Zaheer

Reinhard Bachmann and Akbar Zaheer

1. Three Fundamental Questions Regarding Trust in Leaders
Kurt T. Dirks

2. Reflections on an Initial Trust-Building Model
D. Harrison McKnight and Norman L. Chervany

3. Can Groups be Trusted? An Experimental Study of Trust in Collective Entities
Bill McEvily, Roberto A. Weber, Cristina Bicchieri and Violet T. Ho

4. Trust as Situated Cognition: An Ecological Perspective on Trust Decisions
Roderick M. Kramer

5. Trust in the Balance: How Managers Integrate Trust-Building and Task Control
Chris P. Long and Sim B. Sitkin

6. Opportunism, Trust and Knowledge: The Management of Firm Value and the Value of Firm Management
Anoop Madhok

7. Trust, Transaction Cost Economics, and Mechanisms
Philip Bromiley and Jared Harris

8. Relying on Trust in Cooperative Inter-Organizational Relationships
Andrew H. Van de Ven and Peter Smith Ring

9. The Dark Side of Trust
Martin Gargiulo and Gokhan Ertug

10. Trust, Codification and Epistemic Communities: Implementing an Expert System in the French Steel Industry
Richard Arena, Nathalie Lazaric and Edward Lorenz

11. Trust Attitudes, Network Tightness and Organizational Survival: An Integrative Framework and Simulation Model
Arjen van Witteloostuijn and Marc van Wegberg

12. Learning About Contracts: Trust, Cooperation and Contract Law
Simon Deakin

13. On the Complexity of Organizational Trust: A Multi-Level Co-Evolutionary Perspective and Guidelines for Future Research
Steven C. Currall and Andrew C. Inkpen

14. Forms, Sources and Processes of Trust
Bart Nooteboom

15. Levels of Inter-Organizational Trust: Conceptualization and Measurement
Martyna Janowicz and Niels Noorderhaven

16. Does Trust Still Matter? Research on the Role of Trust in Inter-Organizational Exchange
Bill McEvily and Akbar Zaheer

17. An Ethical Analysis of the Trust Relationship
Sanjay Banerjee, Norman E. Bowie and Carla Pavone

18. Trust and Markets
Jens Beckert

19. The Economics of Trust
Mark Casson and Marina Della Giusta

20. Trust, Institutions, Agency: Towards a Neoinstitutional Theory of Trust
Guido Möllering

21. How Can Systems Trust Systems? A Structuration Perspective on Trust-Building in Inter-Organizational Relations
Jörg Sydow

22. Trust and/or Power: Towards a Sociological Theory of Organizational Relationships
Reinhard Bachmann

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